Monday, December 8, 2008

Awesome Deals Today

Today I made a run to Wal-Mart for a few groceries and scored some awesome deals. Here is what I purchased:

*Four bags of Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers frozen veggies: $1.08, I used a $1/1 Q for each and paid .08 per bag.
*Four small boxes of Arm & Hammer baking soda: .46 ea. I had two Qs for $1/2. They were free plus overage.
*Three bars of Johnson's Buddies soap: .97 ea. I had a Q for $3/3 Johnsons products. Again free plus overage.
*Four cans of Red Gold diced tomatoes: .87 ea. I had a Q for $1/4. They were .62 ea.
I also had to pick up a few other things as well, got some on total bill for my Wal-Mart trip this go round was $7.91 for nearly $20 worth of stuff.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Today, December 8, Catholics celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We honor our Blessed Mother this day and remember the fact that she was preserved from all sin from the moment of her conception, and for her entire life.
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the humility of His handmaiden.For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He that is mighty hath done great things to me, and holy is His Name. And His Mercy is from generation unto generations upon them that fear Him. He hath shewed might in His arm, He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He hath sent empty away. He hath received Israel, His servant, being mindful of His mercy. As He spoke to our Fathers, Abraham and His seed forever.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Wow...only just over two months since I last posted. I'd better get cracking.

I am spending the next few weeks of Advent attempting to get the house ready for Christmas. No small task with an 18-month old running around. Somedays it's once step forward, two steps back. I'll try to post some pics.

In other news, I am doing OK on the couponing front. I am mostly stocked up on things like soap, deoderant, shampoo, etc. so I don't really need to try and score any deals on those a while. I am trying to get more deals on groceries and diapers, since the prices of those items are through the roof right now.

Great news, our local Kmart was one of the stores participating in the Double Coupon Days. Any Qs up to 2.00 were doubled. I was able to get body wash for free, deoderant for .49, cereal for .50, and two tubs of the primo baby wipes for 1.79 ea. I may make one more trip and see if I can score any more great deals.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Month of the Rosary

This is couple days late, but I've decided to post this mostly as a reminder to really try and pray at least one decade of the rosary every day for the entire month of October. I feel like I've failed miserably so far, especially since I have resolved to get better at my daily prayers. I think it will also set a good example for Elijah to see/hear me praying it as well.

Feeding the Puppy

Elijah has a new favorite activity...feeding Loki one piece of food at a time. I kind of like it: Elijah sits still and doesn't get into anything else for up to 20 minutes at a time! I can actually get something done in my kitchen without having to chase the baby every two seconds!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Awesome Deals So Far This Week...

All of the stuff in this picture above I paid...$7.42! This has been my best deal so far at Walgreens.
Here is how it breaks down:
108 ct. Puffs Plus: Wags Q for .89 ea. plus two Qs for .25 off. Two boxes @ .64
Dawn Dish Detergent: Wags Q B1/G1 @1.98 plus two Qs for .25 off. Two @ .74
Gillette Shampoo: 2/$10 plus two Qs for $2/1. $6 minus a $5 rebate...these shampoos will
actually cost .50 after the rebate!
Softsoap 7.2 oz.: Wags Q for .98 plus 3 Qs for .35 off. Three @ .64.
100 ct. coffee filters: B1/G1 for 1.19
1 pack Northern TP: $3 on sale plus $1 Wags Q. 1@$2.
I had $9 in RR which I also used...which is how I arrived at 7.42!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Learning from My Mistakes...

I am fairly new at this couponing/searching out deals stuff. Previously, I purchased whatever products I wanted whether it was on sale at the time or not. I almost never bothered to clip coupons, and when I did, I ended up getting a bunch of stuff I didn't really need because, well, I had coupon for it!

I haven't been totally savvy about all of this yet, although I have snagged a few good deals. Here are a few of the things I wish I had done differently.

*Clipped more coupons. I did OK, but there were a few items I wish I had been able to buy, yet I didn't clip more than one coupon for them.
*Waiting to submit my rebate info for Walgreens Easy Saver Catalog. I was in too big of a hurry with this, and missed out on some money-making deals. In particualr, the Glade Candles, they were offering a $1 rebate per candle, allowing up to four. If I had waited for these to go on sale, I would have come out ahead .01 per candle.
*Being too trusting of Walgreens cashiers. They caused one of my rebates, which amounted to 7.99 to be messed up so I couldn't get it. Never take their word on anying about the receipts, especially if it's "no, they will still process your rebate just fine if I scan this item in as "service merchandise." It was supposed to be shampoo!

Deals for September 14-20

This week has been a little slower for me as far as finding deals is concerned. Here is what I came up with:

Walgreens: Huggies Supreme on sale for 9.99-1.50/1 coupon -2.00 RR = 6.49 (.21/diaper)
Glade candle on sale for 1.99-1/1 coupon=.99
Bic Soleil Razors on sale 4.99-2/1 coupon-1/1 WG coupon=1.99

HyVee: Seedless watermelon 1.99 ea.
Banquet Frozen Dinners 10 for $8

Wal-Mart: Johnson's Buddies Bar Soap .97...I had a coupon for $3 off any Johnson's baby products. I bought three bars of soap, ended up paying only .11 in sales tax!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Deals for the Week

Since I am really making the effort to commit to my couponing/frugal living hobby (obsession), I am going to post my best deals for the week. I am not as good as some of the people who are able to purchase over a hundred dollars in items and pay either very little or nothing out of pocket yet, but I hope to get there someday!

Target: Luvs Family Pack Diapers- On sale for $15. I used two $1 off coupons, plus received a $5 gift card for buying two boxes. Not the best deal ever, but the cost of diapers is through the roof these days, and this is the cheapest I could get without buying generic.
My real stroke of luck came when I found an entire shelf of Febreze Noticeables on clearance. Normally 7.49, they were priced 6.45, plus I had two $5 off coupons, I also used my giftcard and spent nothing on them. I only regret not having a third coupon, then I could have bought another without spending anything!

Cashwise: Green Giant Steamers 4 for $6 plus four $1 coupons= .50 ea.
Prego Pasta Sauce: 3 for 3 coupon= $1 ea.
Progresso Soups: 8 for $10 plus four .50 off of 2= $1 ea.
Select General Mills Cereals: 2 for $4 plus $1 coup. off 3= 3/$5
Kleenix Tissue: 3 200 count boxes for $3
Creamette Macaroni: 2 lb box for .98
Since my total came to over $25, I also was able to get a free 8 oz. bag of
shredded cheddar cheese.
In the end I spent $49 for $63 worth of groceries.
Walgreens: Glade Fabric Deoderizer: on sale for 2.99, I had 2.50 coupons
Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash 4.49, got 4.50 in Register Rewards
My Wags trip cost me only .48!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Requiéscat in Pace, Grandpa....

We will miss you and have you in our hearts and prayers always.
Réquiem ætérnam dona ei (eis) Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat ei . Requiéscat in pace. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Waiting for Daddy

Elijah gets very excited when he hears Daddy pull up in the driveway. Since Brent works a rotating shift, the time he arrives home changes each week. This picture was taken at about seven this morning.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Little Helper

Elijah decided to help out by cleaning the kitchen floor today. Using a Scotch sticky-roller thingy, he picked most of the dog hair and little bits of junk off of the kitchen floor. He also likes to help unload the dishwasher by handing me one dish or piece of silverware at a time. It takes longer, but he is sooo proud of himself. Now if only he is this eager to help out when he is a teenager!

In other news, Elijah had his 15 month well-baby checkup yesterday. He is now 31.5 inches tall and weighs 23 pounds, 1 ounce.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In the Beginning...

My first post! This should get better as I add pics, video, etc. Enjoy!