Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Month of the Rosary

This is couple days late, but I've decided to post this mostly as a reminder to really try and pray at least one decade of the rosary every day for the entire month of October. I feel like I've failed miserably so far, especially since I have resolved to get better at my daily prayers. I think it will also set a good example for Elijah to see/hear me praying it as well.

Feeding the Puppy

Elijah has a new favorite activity...feeding Loki one piece of food at a time. I kind of like it: Elijah sits still and doesn't get into anything else for up to 20 minutes at a time! I can actually get something done in my kitchen without having to chase the baby every two seconds!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Awesome Deals So Far This Week...

All of the stuff in this picture above I paid...$7.42! This has been my best deal so far at Walgreens.
Here is how it breaks down:
108 ct. Puffs Plus: Wags Q for .89 ea. plus two Qs for .25 off. Two boxes @ .64
Dawn Dish Detergent: Wags Q B1/G1 @1.98 plus two Qs for .25 off. Two @ .74
Gillette Shampoo: 2/$10 plus two Qs for $2/1. $6 minus a $5 rebate...these shampoos will
actually cost .50 after the rebate!
Softsoap 7.2 oz.: Wags Q for .98 plus 3 Qs for .35 off. Three @ .64.
100 ct. coffee filters: B1/G1 for 1.19
1 pack Northern TP: $3 on sale plus $1 Wags Q. 1@$2.
I had $9 in RR which I also used...which is how I arrived at 7.42!