Monday, April 27, 2009

Awesome Deals At Walgreens Today!

I was a little sad that Walgreens ended their EasySaver program. But every cloud has a silver lining! They now have more items that are free after Register Rewards. Here is my shopping trip today...

Transaction #1:
1 Nivea Body wash- 4.99
1 Rembrandt Mouthwash- 5.99
Spent $11 + tax out of pocket and got $11 in Register Rewards

Transaction #2
2 Boxes Kleenex with lotion 80 Ct.- 2/2.19
3 AirWick IMotion Air Fresheners- 4.99 ea.-3 $4/1 Qs.
General Mills Cereals- 3/$7-$1/3 Q.
I used my RR and ended up paying a little over 13.00 out of pocket for both transactions! Not too shabby!