Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Name Day to Elijah and Gabriel!

Today is the Feast Day of St. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels.

I obviously named Gabriel for the angel who appeared to our Blessed Mother. Elijah's middle name is Michael, and since Elijah was an Old Testament prophet and doesn't appear on the Catholic calendar of Saints, this is his name day as well.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Amazing Diaper Deal from Amazon!

I scored an awsome deal for diapers for Gabe today. This is probably my best yet! I had two coupon codes for 20% off of my Amazon diaper order that I had taken from Parents and Parenting magazine. I joined AmazonMom and did the subscribe and save feature offered on Amazon. As a result, I was able to get 140 Size 3 Seventh Generation diapers for a whopping 11.99. This comes out to about eight cents a diaper. If I paid full price in retail they would run almost thirty cents each. Not too shabby!

My Rather Pathetic Blog Update....

Ok, I've been saying for over a year now that I was going to stay on top of my blog. I have failed miserably at this! I have been following blog of other mom who have more children than me and they are able to post several times a week with pictures, video and everything. I wish I knew how they do it. With work, the babies, and trying to manage the house, I never seen to keep up with my own blog.

Well, here are the updates of the happenings in my family's life since the last time I posted:

*Last summer, we found out we were expecting baby #2! We were so thrilled!

*Gabriel Glenn Bolduan was born on February 5, 2010 via emergency c-section. He weighed in at seven pounds, three ounces, and was twenty inches long.

*Elijah turned three on June 8, 2010. He is very talkative, creative, and very, very busy. This means that he is quite a handful for Mommy at times!

*I am taking a break from teaching Religious Education this year, after being a catechist for five years. I am at a season in my life where I really need to focus mainly on my children and my home, since this is my vocation.

*I still am into couponing and searching for the best deals out there! I will post some of my latest finds soon!