Friday, May 29, 2009

My Baby Isn't a Baby Anymore!

Elijah seems to grow more every day. He just had his two year well-child check up. It's kind of sad they don't call them well-baby check ups anymore. He not really considered to be a baby, but he is to me and will be for a long time yet! At this appointment, he weighed in at 27 pounds, was 34 inches tall and had a head circumference of 19 inches.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Some More Great Deals I've Scored Lately

I have had a couple of great finds while shopping in the last couple of days.

During a recent trip to ShopKo, I scored a pretty good diaper deal. They had Huggies on sale for 8.99 a pack. Plus they were also do a 1.00 rebate for their Super Combo Rebate program for each package of diapers. I also used a 1.50/1 coupon for each package I bought.

So it worked out thus: 8.99-1.50 coupon-1.00 rebate= 6.49 per pack of diapers that normally retail for 10.99!

I went to Walgreens today and did a deal I found on I purchased 10 Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, which were on sale for 2/5.00. I used 5 B1/G1 coupons from last weeks Sunday paper. I paid 12.50 for them and got $6 in Register Rewards. Each box came out to .65.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Awesome Deals At Walgreens Today!

I was a little sad that Walgreens ended their EasySaver program. But every cloud has a silver lining! They now have more items that are free after Register Rewards. Here is my shopping trip today...

Transaction #1:
1 Nivea Body wash- 4.99
1 Rembrandt Mouthwash- 5.99
Spent $11 + tax out of pocket and got $11 in Register Rewards

Transaction #2
2 Boxes Kleenex with lotion 80 Ct.- 2/2.19
3 AirWick IMotion Air Fresheners- 4.99 ea.-3 $4/1 Qs.
General Mills Cereals- 3/$7-$1/3 Q.
I used my RR and ended up paying a little over 13.00 out of pocket for both transactions! Not too shabby!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy, Busy, Lent!

Again, it's been forever since I posted. Maybe I should have made keeping up with my blog a Lenten goal. Anyhow, I have been doing pretty good with scouting for deals and couponing lately...I am totally stocked up on diapers, wipes, shampoo, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, etc. to last for at least three months. Some of these items I have enough of to last for a year (possibly).

The following is a list of goals I have for Lent this year, as well as my progress.

Purchase items to put in the food shelf donation bin each time I shop at the grocery store:
I have done this during the last three weekly trips, I plan to keep it up even after Lent is over.

Abstain from all alcolholic beverages:
Those who know me best know one of my favorite ways to relax in the evenings after putting Elijah to bed is to enjoy a beer or a glass of wine. This has been going OK, except I messed up last week on Thursday and Friday nights. After this slip-up however, I am going strong.

Continue to improve and enrich my prayer life:
I try to say one Hail Mary at the very least every day. I am also starting to teach Elijah the Rosary. I let him hold his own set of beads, and we try to make it through a decade, with him listening, me praying aloud. This has been going great! He actually will sit very still and listen to me recite the prayers, all the while running his set of beads through his fingers. I can't wait for him to get older and recite along with me.