Thursday, December 4, 2008


Wow...only just over two months since I last posted. I'd better get cracking.

I am spending the next few weeks of Advent attempting to get the house ready for Christmas. No small task with an 18-month old running around. Somedays it's once step forward, two steps back. I'll try to post some pics.

In other news, I am doing OK on the couponing front. I am mostly stocked up on things like soap, deoderant, shampoo, etc. so I don't really need to try and score any deals on those a while. I am trying to get more deals on groceries and diapers, since the prices of those items are through the roof right now.

Great news, our local Kmart was one of the stores participating in the Double Coupon Days. Any Qs up to 2.00 were doubled. I was able to get body wash for free, deoderant for .49, cereal for .50, and two tubs of the primo baby wipes for 1.79 ea. I may make one more trip and see if I can score any more great deals.

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