Saturday, July 30, 2011

Too Traditional or Not Traditional Enough?

I really hate labels, most of the time. One thing I have noticed on the internet is that various adjectives are used to label the type of Catholic someone is. For example: "He is a liberal Catholic, she is a cultural Catholic, I am a traditional Catholic" and on and on. I notice these adjective are most often used in a pejorative sense when refering to someone else, but used in a positve light when refering to one's self.

And amidst all of this I wonder, "Where do I fit in?"

There are various factions on the internet and in real life-although I haven't met any in real life, they obviously exist- that believe that a traditional Catholic does certain things. Traditional Catholics only attend Mass in the Extrordinary Form, receive Communion on the tongue only. The list gets longer if you happen to be a traditional Catholic woman. Traditional Catholic women only ever skirts or dresses, always cover their heads at Mass, never work outside the home, homeschool their children, etc, etc, etc.

Some of these things I already do. Many of these things I aspire to do, but can't because of my life's circumstances. I believe in everything our holy Church teaches and strive every day to follow those teachings to the best of my ability. I try to live the life that Jesus wants me to live. I attend Mass every Sunday, but I go to the Ordinary Form, the nearest EF is nearly an hour away, and only offered once a month at that location. My parish does a good job of presenting what the Church teaches, not just glossing over it, and the Masses are reverent. I receive Communion on the tongue only. I go to Confession once a month, more often if I need it.

I don't say this to brag, but to make a point. In some circles, what I am doing would STILL not be good enough, I would be written off as lost. Why? Well, I don't wear skirts or dresses all the time (to Mass, yes, otherwise no), I don't cover my head at Mass (mostly too self-conscious, I would be the only woman in my parish doing this and it would really stand out). I work outside the home, I have to, we are a working class family. I won't be able to homeschool, and may even have to send my children to public school because of finances. I am also in a mixed marriage.

I also want to clarify that many tradtional Catholics realize that many of these practices, such as skirts only and head covering are personal practices that help them feel closer to God. That's great, personal devotions are very important, and I have nothing but respect for those who practice them and are humble about it. But, there is another segment who let judgement sound out loud and clear that I must not be serious about my faith if I don't follow ALL of the various personal devotions. That because I wear pants or don't cover my head or plan on homeschooling my children or work outside the home I am not really, truly Catholic. It doesn't matter that I truly believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, body, blood, soul, and divinity. It doesn't matter that I feel handing my Faith down to my children is of extreme importance to me. It doesn't matter that I reject the secular world's contraceptive mentality and choose to follow what the Church teaches in that regard.

So, I end this post full circle right back where I started it. Where DO I fit in? I don't feel like I would be accepted by those who self-identify as "traditional" nor do I in any way fit in with those who cherry pick what the Church teaches or want it to change. I guess I will do my best to make my own way and keep searching for the Truth.

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